Fairfield County Lifestyle: August Virtual Travel and Courses

Looking Forward: Destinations The Travel Pros Are Dreaming Of Visiting: 

While travel is not possible for most right now, many are taking a moment to reflect on the natural beauty of the world that surrounds us. From far-flung islands to nearby cities, Forbes is listing places the travel pros are dreaming of visiting and supporting—just as soon as it’s safe to hit the road again.


Virtual Courses:

Use this time in isolation to expand your mind. 

Brooklyn Brainery Virtual Courses

Brooklyn Brainery is accessible education, crowdsourced to our localcommunity. They host affordable classes on anything and everything! From dumpling and pie-making to watercolors and screenwriting, there is something for everyone. Peruse the course calendar here

Coursera Complimentary Collegiate Courses

Coursera offers free classes from elite institutions, including Ivy League universities. You can even take the most popular undergraduate course in the history of Yale University, The Science of Well-Being. Challenge yourself to re-examine your ideas about happiness.


Virtual Nightlife

NYC's Virtual Nightlife:

Do you miss New York City clubs?

There is an entire nightlife ecosystem that's still happening through the digital ethers. Read-on here for the best virtual clubs where you can dance off your pent-up quarantine energy.